Wednesday, June 28, 2006

favourite sandhya...

A very good comphere in sun music... :)


Thursday, June 22, 2006


Everyone knows that, in todays IT world the Satellites are playing the important roll. Just imagine the world without satellites... just take a look at the picture below, A model satellite in National Air & Space Museum.


Tech Museum: The Satellite Site

Monday, June 19, 2006


Most happiest human being in the world with beautiful smiles., they need not worry or care about anything. They need not think about their life,job,future plan, savings,marriage and so on., they dont know the meaning of “SCARE”., even they can catch any kind of snakes and play with that., They are the greatest in creativity and to destroy too.... they do not have any wishes., they can do what ever they wanted to do at anytime and anywhere.,

but., in some part of the world, they know only to CRY because of HUNGRY! :(